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Swan Life Ltd - Dividend Announcement
18 Dec 2017

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Swan Life Ltd (the ·company') has declared a final dividend of Rs 46.00 per share payable in respect of all the shares of the Company. This dividend is in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2017, and will be payable in full to all the shareholders of the Company registered at the close of business on 09 January 2018.


The dividend will be paid on or about 22 January 2018.


The shares of the Company will be traded cum-dividend up to the market day of 04 January 2018 and ex-dividend on 05 January 2018.


By order of the Board


Jaiyansing Soobah

for Swan Corporate Affairs Ltd

Company Secretary

18 December 2017



This announcement is issued pursuant to DEM Rule 23 and Rule 14 (d) (i) of the Securities (Disclosure Obligations of Reporting Issuers) Rules 2007.

The Board of Directors of Swan General Ltd accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement.

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Swan Life Ltd LEM Dividend Announcement
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